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Cocker-Weber Jewelers Polishing Brushes

Cocker-Weber Jewelers Polishing Brushes now Available. Made in America.

Cocker Weber Brush Company is recognized as the producer of the worlds finest polishing brushes used in the manufacture of fine jewelry.

goldsmiths, silversmiths, watchmakers, fine hardware manufacturers, artisans and workers of soft metals uses this brushes.

A large number of sizes and bristle lengths are available.

Cocker Weber Brush Company manufactures two types of jeweler’s polishing wheel brushes. The superior line

Wide Varities of Brushes available Below listed Brushes are the most used.

Cocker Weber 1C Econo Wood Brush

Cocker Weber 2C Econo Wood Brush

Superior Quality Jewelers Polishing Wheel Brushes Item #1C

Superior Quality Jewelers Polishing Wheel Brushes Item #2C