Cocker Weber 1C Econo Brush

Cocker Weber 1C is Standard quality jewelers polishing brushes are made with good quality stiff Chungking bristle stapled into hard maple hubs. These brushes are priced to compete with imports, yet last as much as 10 times as long.

Jewelers Polishing Brush Coker weber tools

Standard Specifications of Cocker Weber 1C

Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)standard-quality
Brush TypeJewelers
Fill MaterialChungking Bristle

Other Cocker Weber Brush item #2C

Standard Jewelers Polishing Wheel Brushes Chart

CW Model NumberStandard 1C
Hub Diameter1-7/8 in48 mm
Trim Size3/8 in10 mm
Brush Diameter2-5/8 in67 mm
Pack Unit144

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